Apply Today! Paid J Term Urban Education Internship at the Paul Cuffee School in Providence, RI
This great internship provides teaching and learning opportunities at the Paul Cuffee School in Providence, RI. The Paul Cuffee School is a public charter school, currently serving 625 students in grades K-10. The majority of the school population is from the city of Providence; most are students of color and live below the poverty level and for many English is a second language. The school is one of the top performing charter schools in the state and is a model for urban school reform initiatives!
The Paul Cuffee School is seeking two interns for J Term! Each student will be assigned to work as an intern with a classroom teacher in the elementary, middle school or high school program. Tasks will vary but may include: observing classes, tutoring, directing small-group work, working with special education students, working in the computer lab and working with outreach programs.
Local housing will be facilitated through Middlebury alumni, and a food stipend will also be provided. This opportunity is organized by Midd Professor Jonathon Miller-Lane in Education Studies. For more information about J Term internships go to go/wtintern today!
Deadline to apply: Sunday, November 13
To apply: go to MOJO
*If you have already registered for a J Term class, but would rather do a Winter Term internship you can still apply for internships through MOJO! If you secure an internship you simply need to fill out an Add/Drop card. To receive credit for your internship, you must apply by November 14.