The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas

Whether you’re kickin’ in the door looking for that juicy job or sippin champagne because your thirstay, big things are poppin’ overseas and if you are looking for a job over there, well, you should probably consult the Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas. As the title of this fabulous resource might suggest, this is a big deal and can give you some sweet deets (details, insight, knowhow) into what it is like to live abroad, work abroad, and dabble with another culture across the pond. From firsthand experience studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, probably the best city in the world, an abroad experience is unlike anything else you will experience in your life. So if you are thinking about an internship, job, or anything else overseas, you have my full support and that is saying something (obviously).

So what is the Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas? Well, there is one BIG guide, more like a textbook actually, along with several quick guides that can help you answer any and all of your questions about what it’s like “over there.” Similar to the Vault Guide, this is a Midd Only resource, so other non Midd bros and fine ladies don’t have access to this plethora of delicious information.

Before writing this bodacious blog post, I did a little due diligence (I’ve heard people use that term before, sounds professional) on the site and how it work. After the initial sign up song and dance, you can check off what your goals and aspirations are for going abroad, whether it be intern, work, study, travel or volunteer. Big Guide then shows you a list of all the contents and information it has on its site and which specific guide, chapter or alternate resource will best inform you on how to make your goals and dreams a reality!

How do you get to this guide? As I said before, it is one of the Midd-Only resources we have. To get there, go to the CSO page and click “Resources and Toolkit.” From there choose “Midd-Only Resources” and away you go!

Any questions contact CSO or stop in for a drop-in! Mon-Fri 2-5 PM! Over and out.

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