How to Explain Your Language Proficiency to Employers

Have you ever wondered how proficient you are in a foreign language?

Intergency Language Roundtable is an unfunded federal organization where government employees interested in foreign languages can come together, inside and outside of government, to discuss/share information that concerns themselves and others.

Did you know that for the first 175 years of the United States foreign language competence of the U.S. government employees was not examined. In the 1950s, after wars with Japan and Korea, the United States followed that foreign language competence among government employees was a must, a necessary means to commuicate translated information efficiently. As a result, the Civil Service Commision was directed to register employees with a strong foreign language background, skills and experiences. The problem was they did not have a system to follow, until they came up with a system that was objective and even applicable to all languages and Civil Services positions, and that was the development of standarized ratings/scales. This determines your proficiency level in a foregin language, in all departments, whether it’s speaking, writing, listening or reading.

Check the Web site to figure out how proficient you are in a foreign language and what you can do to better your resume, your proficiency and access to internships involving multilingual tasks/priorities.

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