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Staff Meeting 04/28/13

May 3, 2013 by Alexa Dessy   

In this week’s meeting we had two wonderful speakers, Dr. Kim Wilson of Boston Children’s Hospital and our own GlobeMedder, Liza Herzog. Both talks were inspiring and we were so lucky to have two amazing talks in one meeting!

Dr. Wilson’s talk was entitled, “Global Child Equity Focused Strategies.” She discussed the factors that contribute to child survival and how they relate to the Millenium Goals, chronic diseases and disability and the historical trends in child mortality. In addition, Dr. Wilson explained the barrier to access to healthcare, citing a three delay model, which includes delay in decision to seek care in the community, delay in reaching care, and delay in receiving adequate care at the health facility. She elucidated this model using the examples which respectively demonstrated these types of delays. We discussed Haitians working on sugar cane farms in the Dominican Republic, the shortage of health workers in Tanzania and Rwanda, and newborn health in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Wilson’s insight and experience was an extremely valuable view into the public health field, the issues that endure in global health, and the way we can work towards solutions.

Liza gave an overview of her semester abroad with SIT Switzerland: Global Health and Development Policy. Given that Geneva is a hub for international health, Liza was able to get really valuable first hand experience with the various facets of public health. Specifically, she attended a lecture series which touched on water safety and health, the realities and challenges of field work, epidemiology, international migration, intellectual property, food safety and security, and mental health of victims of war. In addition, Liza did an independent project, A Tentative Model to Prevent Water Born Infectious Disease Associated with Climate Change and Disaster: An Application to Cholera Prevention. For more extensive notes on Liza’s presentation and Dr. Wilson’s lecture, please see here:globemed2013_Wilson&Liza


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