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Finals Care Package

November 20, 2016 by Kevin Zhang   

Support GlobeMed and Gardens for Health International by purchasing a Finals Care Package from the Middlebury College Box Office (go/finalscarepackage)

All packages will be delivered to the student’s room during finals week.

For $20.00, you can choose from three different options:

  1. Chocolate Lovers: Chocolate bars, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered espresso beans, chocolate chip granola bars, brownie granola bars, and Swiss Miss.
  2. Health Nut: Dried fruit, mixed nuts, tea, coffee, gum, apples, granola bars, and instant oatmeal.
  3. Finals Survival Guide: Chips, popcorn, Cheeze-itz, Chex Mix, candy, crackers, tea, coffee, stress balls, and Easy Mac



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