Writing Assignment 2

Writing Assignment 2 FYSE 1239 (Global Warming Solutions)

First draft due on Tuesday, September 30th by 5:00 PM (email to mlefrak AT middlebury.edu)

Final draft due on Wednesday, October 8th in class.

Parts 2 – 4 of Dire Predictions — Projections of Future Climate Change, The Impacts of Climate Change, and Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change – shed light on the world’s future: what may happen as greenhouse gas emissions accelerate.

Imagine that you are working for Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations. He has asked you to write a 3-4 page (double-spaced) report on the following question: should we encourage our UN member countries to adapt to climate change, to try to mitigate climate change, or to do both?

Write a report intended for Secretary Moon and his staff that addresses this question, Your report should include properly documented references from at least five independent sources, one of which can be Dire Predictions. The evaluation of your report will be partially based on the credibility of your sources.

And here’s a link to get started with resources at the Middlebury library.

And see this helpful link: the 9 steps in the writing process.

Finally, a key link on style and citation

2 thoughts on “Writing Assignment 2

  1. Jonathan Isham Post author

    And here’s an update from Brenda:

    It’s probably easiest just to put this link on your blog:

    They will most likely want to start with the journals section. The new site isn’t complete yet, but has the major journal databases listed. Here’s the link to the new one if you want to add it as well:

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