Wrapping up The Discovery of Global Warming

As noted on our schedule, please bring in on Monday (a) a good exam question that focuses on chapters 7-8 of Discovery and (b) the answer to your question.  And please post your question here (as a comment) before class so we can all get a sense of what we think is most important in the last part of this reading.

15 thoughts on “Wrapping up The Discovery of Global Warming

  1. Noah Brautigam

    From what you know, should governments impose strict environmental standards on industry and big business? Defend your answer.

  2. Kate Burchenal

    To what extent do you agree with the idea that “no matter how much pressure builds up among concerned experts, some trigger is needed to produce an explosion of public attention.” (155) If you agree, can this “trigger” be intentional (brought on by humans) or must it occur naturally and spontaneously?

  3. Nick Zhao

    How and why did Global warming bring together the international community to create a “collective collaboration”?

  4. Edwin Merino

    Do you believe that the democratization of international politics has its roots in scientific organizations? Is the advancement of democracy helping the fight against global warming?

  5. Jacob Udell

    While reflecting on his research, Weart comments on social change through science by saying that “for the process to work, scientists must trust their colleagues,” (195). How exactly does trust play out in the scientific community’s effort to spread a certain message to the public?

  6. Stephanie Pons

    Since the 1970’s what role has the media played when it comes to the discovery global warming? Did they have positive or negative impacts, and to what degree did this contribute to or affect public awareness?

  7. Rachel Juliet Callender

    How strong are the links between political affiliation and thoughts about global warming and to what extent is the future of global warming defined by governmental policies? How so?

  8. Steph Gill

    To what extent do you think the denial and refusal to accept the issue of climate change by authority figures such as senators and congressmen affected the progression of a solution to global warming?

  9. Lea Lai

    What are the main reasons that cause the politicans at the high level to begin to pay attention to the green house gas?

  10. Jerry Romero

    Since the confirmation of Global Warming many democratic nations have joined together to layout plans in the fight against global warming, but do you think that the unification of these many industrialized nations and there attempts to control green house gas emissions would have any impact on a global climate that has been affected by many decades of human activity? Defend your answer

  11. Nial Rele

    To what extent does scientific discovery and innovation depend upon public opinion? And how is it made possible for scientific discoveries to become a social movement?

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