Beyond the Bucket

You’ve heard of ALS, but you may not have known that it stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a degenerative neurological disorder that leaves a person unable to walk, speak, breathe, or use their limbs.  Maybe you’ve heard of Lou Gehrig, but didn’t know that the disease that took the famous baseball player’s life in 1939 affects 1 in every 50,000 people around the world.  Maybe you’ve seen the Ice Bucket Challenge that took the world by storm in 2014, but were not aware that there is currently no cure for this terrible disease and that those who have it typically die within 5 years.  While the Ice Bucket Challenge has done an excellent job raising both funds for and awareness about ALS, with over 220 million donated thus far, the goal of this site is to teach you a bit more about this disease and highlight potential environmental causes of ALS.


An Ice Bucket Challenge by Sam and Christian:

Other methods of raising awareness of ALS:


Site created by Stephanie Wang, Samuel Schwarz, Christian Johansen, and Elise Cabral.