The victim/perpetrator incites a series of internal dialogues that would have otherwise gone undiscussed and unchallenged. While his behaviors are clearly (or perhaps not so clearly) motivated by a deeply distraught mentality, it is interesting to expound upon what drives such incentive. In the same manner that a woman who has never been raped accuses one of raping her undermines the experiences of those who have actually experienced it, how also do such actions present deeply subversive & internal manifestations of self hate as agency.
With the example of Patrick, the neorican, and his experiences w/ racism, though not directly violent – are still acts of racism. If Patrick were the one writing the notes, would the response be different?
While the victim/perpetrator behaved in a way that undermined the experiences of Patrick & others & completely disrupt a continued & ligitimate conversation / action – are his intentions valid?