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‘BLTN Teachers’ Category

  1. BLTN at NCTE 2017


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    Bread Loaf Teacher Network Represents at NCTE 2017 Alfredo Lujan’s feature article, “Help Needed!: A Story of Bread Loaf Teacher …
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  2. Mobilizing and Connecting Communities across the Heartland: 2017 Brings a Resurgence to Buckeye Bread Loaf


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    by Chris Moore BLSE 2013 Liberty High School Powell, OH For Buckeye Bread Loaf, Ohio’s Chapter of BLTN, 2017 has …
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  3. Help Needed!: A Story of Bread Loaf Teacher Networking


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    Alfredo Celedón Luján, BLSE 1987, Bread Loaf/New Mexico director’s assistant, is the 2017 recipient of the National Council of Teachers …
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  4. Bringing it Back: Bread Loaf Teachers Reflect on Summer Learning


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    With each issue of the Bread Loaf Teacher Network Journal, we feature BLTN Fellows’ reflections on how their summer coursework …
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  5. Letters from the Field: BLTN Reading and Teaching


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    In December, we asked the 2017 BLTN fellows to weigh in on recent reads and texts they are reading and …
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  6. The Story of “What’s the Story?”: The I-Search as a Political Act


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    by Tim O’Leary BLSE 2016 Co-Director, What’s the Story? Vermont Technology Innovation Specialist Addison Central School District Middlebury, VT   …
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  7. Derek Burtch and Amelia Gordon: A Dialogue on “Erase the Space”


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    Derek Burtch and Amelia Gordon are in their second year of collaborations connecting their students through written and face-to-face dialogue. …
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  8. John Hall and Laura Young (continued)


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    In addition to creating a garden, we hope students will connect across cultural and geographic divides. Kentucky and California have …
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  9. Fallon Abel Collaborations – Continued


    January 16, 2018 by Tom McKenna

    The other BLTN-related exchange I’m presently trying to arrange would be with a class in Pakistan. When Moshin Tenjani visited …
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  10. Introducing BreadCast: A BLTN Podcast Series


    June 23, 2017 by Tom McKenna

    We hope you enjoy the first episode of a series of BLTN podcasts we’re calling BreadCast. See the podcast page— …
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