Please join in on congratulating Dean Ouellette,  Energy and Technology Manager in Facilities Services, who recently co-authored a new book that will be released soon. “Climb Every Mountain: 46 of the Northeast’s 111 Hikes over 4,000 feet” is a guidebook that offers detailed accounts on how tackle 46 mountain hikes in the Northeast.  Dean and co-author Michele Hernandez Bayliss both have a passion for hiking and were able to find an effective, user-friendly way to share their knowledge of many points of the pre-hike preparation.  

Each hike covered in the book includes a map, GPS coordinates, trailhead location, round-trip mileage, along with many other special fun facts like whether the trail is canine friendly, quality of the views and parking along with some photos.   

Climb Every Mountain will be available online and in local Vermont shops, including the Vermont Book Shop here in downtown Middlebury and part of the “Vermont Author Series” talk at the Middlebury’s Ilsley Library on Tuesday, June 6, at 7 p.m. 

Climb Every Mountain: 46 of the Northeast’s 111 Hikes over 4,000 Feet: Bayliss, Michele Hernandez, Ouellette, Dean J.: 9781493070718: Books

Let’s give a warm round of applause for Dean on his new book!”

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