Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself

– Mahatma Gandhi

Each year in June we recognize Men’s Health Month to raise awareness of the diseases and illness that affect American men. Men continue to live an average of five years less than women do and this may be due in part to the fact that men are less likely than women to receive the recommended preventive screenings. For our Cigna members, most of these health screenings are offered at no charge when provided by an in-network provider. Check out the list of recommended health screenings here

For questions about your benefits, contact Cigna One Guide at 888-806-5042 or your GMHEC benefits team at 802-443-5485 or  For our Norwich folks, contact your HR department for questions about your benefits.

If you’re looking for resources to support your mental and emotional well-being, check out the programs offered through Cigna or through your Employee Assistance Program.  In addition to staying up to date with health screenings, staying connected, nurturing your relationships, and spending time outdoors are great ways to support your health. Grab your friends and family and check out some live music at the annual Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, June 3rd through 10th, grab your bike and head down to Killington on June 12th for the second annual Vermont Mountain Bike Association Day, celebrate National Pollinator Week on June 24th with a youth nature hike in Montpelier or get out an enjoy the early bounty at one of Vermont’s wonderful farmers markets.

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