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Creationism is a type of religious belief that the universe began through acts of divine intervention, and not natural processes. The term was first used in an 1856 letter by Charles Darwin as a way to describe the belief of those who objected to the the theory of evolution.







Science & Spirituality

A fictional forum created by Dan Brown. This could refer to spiritualforums.com, on which there are forums regarding science and spirituality.

CNN Live

CNN Live is a TV Network channel on CNN, that airs daily and updates their social media platforms hourly. It is one of the most popular news outlets in the Unite States.





Astrobiology is the study the origins of the universe and life in the universe. It combines the fields of astronomy and biology. Astrobiology began in the 1960s at NASA as a way to explore life beyond earth. The field came under much fire as life has never been found in spacek but the program nonetheless continues to run.


Dr. Griffin Bennett

A fictional NASA astrobiologist in Origin that appears on CNN Live. Bennett suggests that Kirsch’s discovery involves proof that life on Earth originated from outer space and that Kirsch found a way to prove what species humans were involving into. The name Dr. Griffin Bennett is not an anagram for anything as many names in past Dan Brown novels have been.


Crop Circles

A crop circle is a pattern created by mowing down parts of a cereal cop (e.g. wheat) to create a specific shape. The term originated in the 1080’s by Colin Andrews and has been associated with extraterrestrial life in the past, none of which has ever been proven. Crop circles do not resemble anything from flat ground, but take their shape when observed from an aerial view.



Roswell saucer

In 1947 a United States Army Air Forces balloon fell from the sky near Roswell, New Mexico. Initially, many believed that the balloon was an alien saucer; however, in a subsequent statement from the U.S. military, it was revealed that the the object was merely a weather balloon. Conspiracy theories continued to rise until the 1970’s considering the possibility that the balloon was a cover up by the U.S. government to conceal the extraterrestrial occupants of the “Roswell saucer”.

Project Mogul

Project Mogul was a secret project by the U.S. Army Air Forces between 1947 and 1949. The project consisted of high-altitude microphones on balloons whose purpose was the long-distance detection of sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests. The reason for this was to figure out the Soviet Union’s progress with nuclear warheads during the time of the Cold War. The  Roswell Saucer was in fact a fallen balloon from Project Mogul.






The Great Pyramids

The Great Pyramids refers to the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. The main pyramid, the Pyramid of Khufu, is the oldest and most intact one, completed around 2560 BC. The Pyramids were built as tombs for different pharaohs of the Egyptian Empire. Dan Brown refers to them in Origin because some believe that constructing such pyramids would have been impossible without modern technology, choosing to believe that extraterrestrial life placed them there.




Deception by clever/artful skill or strategy in order to conceal, escape, or evade.

red giant

A red giant is a glowing giant star of medium mass. Red giants are the form stars take in the late phase of stellar evolution. Stars become red giants as their cores become smaller and hotter, leading to the expansion of gases on their surface.





gamma-ray burst

Gamma ray burst are extremely energetic explosions that happen in distant galaxies but can be observed using modern telescopes that track different types of waves in order to gather data. Gamma ray bursts are the brightest electromagnetic events know to happen in the universe. The cause of gamma ray bursts is still being debated; however, most believe that they happen when a black hole is formed by a supernova or when two neutron stars collide.


Panspermia is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe and that microscopic life forms made their way to earth (and therefore to other planets) by way of meteoroids, asteroids, comets, and other medium. This hypothesis proposes that these microscopic life forms can survive the effects of space (e.g. radiation, temperature differences, etc.).