Town Meeting on Same-Sex Marriage

Topics to discuss:

1. What are the arguments for same-sex marriage?
2. What are the arguments against same-sex marriage from the right?
3. What are the arguments against same-sex marriage from GLBTQ people?
4. History of Civil Unions and marriage in VT
5. History of marriage in other states
6. California: Prop 8 history
7. DOMA and Supreme Court Case
8. Other countries?

Same-Sex Marriage Resources on Reserve:

David Moats, Civil wars: a battle for gay marriage

Michael Mello, Legalizing gay marriage

Richard D. Mohr, The long arc of justice: lesbian and gay marriage, equality, and rights

Marriage and same-sex unions: a debate

Glenn T. Stanton and Bill Mai, Marriage on trial: the case against same-sex marriage and parenting

Same-sex marriage, pro and con: a reader

Erwin Lutzer, The truth about same-sex marriage: 6 things you need to know about what’s really at stake

E.J. Graff, What is marriage for?

George Chauncey, Why marriage? the history shaping today’s debate over gay equality

Rimmerman & Wilcox, The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage

Same-Sex marriage resources on the web:

LA Times Map / Chronology

VT Freedom to Marry Task Force

Focus on the Family

American Family Association



Queers for Economic Justice

Yasmin Nair