The articles below from the magazine archive deal with higher education institutions and how they affect the communities in which they reside. Below are articles that we feel relate higher education to the community in a significant way and therefore a good start for one to delve deeper. The articles are listed in chronological order.
Bailey, David. “New Enterprise in Private Education.” Vermont Life, Winter 1948-49 (3.2)
Chiesa, Ann Della. “School for Sailors.” Vermont Life, Summer 1956 (10.4)
Newcombe, Jack. “The Big Game in Vermont: Middlebury vs. Norwich” Vermont Life Autumn 1982 (37.1)
Wolkomir, Joyce Rodgers. “Teaching Children to Think: Is Vermont Education Revolutionary…Or as Old-fashioned as Good, Hard Work?” Vermont Life, Winter 1986 (41.2)
Cornell, Nancy. “Vermont Elders: A Spirit of Independence.” Vermont Life, Autumn 1987 (42.1)
Peate, Mary. “How the Sun has Shown on ‘Moonlight in Vermont’” Vermont Life Autumn 1996 (51.1)
Keese, Susan. “Capturing the Universe at Omega Optical” Vermont Life, Autumn 2000 (55.1)
Dillon, John. “Law for the World.” Vermont Life, Spring, 2002 (56.3)
Perrin, Noel. “Saving the Vermont Barn.” Vermont Life. Autumn 2003 (58.1)
Calta, Marialisa. “The Magic of American Flatbread” Vermont Life, Summer 2004 (58.4)
Marro, Anthony. “A Very Big Small Place: North Bennington Thrives on Change, Continuity, and Surprising Diversity.” Vermont Life, Summer 2005 (59.4)
*Slayton, Tom. “How higher education revived Royalton: Transformation 101.” Vermont Life, Spring 2009 (63.3)
Pasanen, Melissa. “The Calling: Defying the odds, young vermonters take up farming.” Vermont Life, Summer 2013 (67.4)
Barsch, Sky. “Changing Conditions” Vermont Life, Winter 2016 (71.1)
Gliech, Sarah. “Next: Tech & Beyond” (Peter Silverman and Majorwise), Vermont Life, Autumn 2017 (72.1)