Poor Kitty

Wow, it has been a long holiday season.  I wish I could have updated more, but with all the parties and all of the merriment I hardly had a minute to myself!

I received an email from Dolly the other day telling me that her sister Kitty is very ill and will be going abroad for awhile to get better.  If only I knew the cause of her sickness, perhaps I could suggest a good doctor or a good place to go.

Dolly told me that she plans to travel throughout Europe, see the sites and live in rural France for awhile.  I wish I could have such an exciting time.  Instead I am stuck here, in Manhattan, taking care of my son and attending to other society functions.

Segei is doing very well in school these days, his teachers love him and tell me that someday he will go far.  Hopefully he got his brains from his father!

Well, I must run, he has a soccer game tonight and I am in charge of snacks!


A Ball

Last night I attended the greatest ball.  We got all dressed up, put on our finest dresses and had a grand ol’ time.  I went as moral support for Dolly and her younger sister Kitty, who is coming out in society very soon.  She has recently come home from Welesly College so that she can begin looking for a husband in our society.  According to Dolly her parents are putting a lot of pressure on her to marry someone of good social standing.  I really enjoy Kitty and her naive views about life, however she seems to always be staring at me.  I only wish I could figure out what she wanted! At the dance I was planning on minding my own business in the corner, occasionally talking to Dolly, perhaps dancing with Stiva but ignoring most of society.  However, I saw that Alexi Vronsky character again and I found something very alluring about him.  We looked at each other from across the room and shared some mysterious form of connection that I have never experienced before.  Not even with my husband! He asked me to dance during the mazurka with him, much to Kitty’s dismay.  They had been waltzing throughout the evening and I am sure that she had anticipated their courtship to continue.  While I did not want to hurt Kitty’s feelings, the prospect of dancing with a new man was so enchanting that I had to take the opportunity.   Overall it was a refreshing experience and I am glad to finally be reintroduced into high society.