So after visiting Dolly, I have settled her some. It seems she was in quite a fright about her dear husband Stiva cheating on her. Yes, it is wrong for him to have an affair, but no need to loose your husband over it. Stiva, is my brother and I will do much for him and I of course love Dolly too. I could not stand to see the devolution of their marriage. Infedelity is an interesting thing. It is clear that for Stiva, marriage is truly secondary but it is all that Dolly has! Of course she is upset over his petty affairs. But really, did he do anything that bad? I am not sure what I would do if my husband would cheat on me. If it is just sexual, well then maybe its ok. But when it comes to love, if he loved her, then I am not sure I could ever love him again. Ahh, but it does not matter. I have comforted Dolly. I have showed her that Stiva feels miserable about his infidelity and is truly repentant. I assured her he will not betray her again. I am glad that Dolly has enough love in her heart to forgive my brother.
Now that all settled, I am quite looking forward to the dance tonight. What will I wear? I wonder if Vronsky will come?