Reading Responses

Question: Why am I torturing you with reading responses?

  1. because you will get so much more out of this class if you actually READ
  2. because it’s a way of rewarding you for reading by making it part of your grade
  3. because it will help you write the two papers in this course by having quotes handy
  4. because I am not yet convinced that we don’t need to read anything anymore now that we have really smart AI

Answer: How to do your reading notes

  1. write down a quote (or more) that you really liked and explain why you liked it- relate it to your world- that’s how I know you’re you and not ChatGPT
  2. write down a quote that confused you and tell me why it’s confusing
  3. write down a quote you disagree with or weren’t sure about and again, tell me why

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