Writing for Gender and the Body

Everything you wanted to know about writing for Gender and the Body, but were afraid to ask

Papers and projects are due on the date listed in the syllabus.

1. Look at the prompt question. If you don’t like it, change it. The prompt question is NOT important. What is important is that you show me that you did the readings and understood them. There are no exams in this class so the papers are a way for you to show that you understand the material.  Let me repeat that: the point of the papers or projects is to show you have read and understood the assignments. Do not ignore the readings when you write your paper.

2. Make sure to use at least five authors in your paper.  In the second paper, you must use at least five authors from the second half of the syllabus.

3. Use key concepts and quotes from the readings. Do not be so general that I cannot tell whether you are referring to the reading or what we discuss in class.  

A good paper will

  1. Set out with a clear question or idea

  2. Lay out evidence from the readings to answer the question

  3. Cite the readings, but also use specific quotes and concepts from the readings so it is not just class notes that you are using. Page numbers are necessary as well.

Please note that I do NOT care what style of citation you use- MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.- but just pick a style of citation for that paper and use it throughout.

An A paper will do all of these things, be well written, have no major factual or grammatical errors and possibly teach me something new (e.g. come to a reasonable conclusion that we did not come to in class).

An A- paper or project does these things but might have a typo or two.

A Bplus paper or project understands the major concepts and cites the readings, but is not as well-written or well-argued as an A paper.

A B paper or project understands the major concepts, but is not as well written and doesn’t use the readings sufficiently.

A Bminus paper or project fails to sufficiently show me that you did all the readings or has a level of writing that seriously detracts from what you are saying.

Anything lower than a Bminus indicates that I am concerned that you either did not understand the readings or failed to do them. If you receive a grade lower than a Bminus, please make time to come see me during office hours so you can figure out how to improve your grade on the next paper or project.

Remember that you have resources for writing a good paper. Check out the Writing Center (in the Center for Teaching, Learning and Research) here.

Oh, and seriously, have fun with the papers. They can be creative as well as informative. They can include pop culture or personal experience as well as the readings. They can include original art work or videos or whatever else you wish.

*Please note these are due on the course Canvas site.

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