Junior Women–Glamour Magazine’s Top 10 Contest

Glamour magazine would like to invite your students to apply for our Top 10 College Women Competition. We’re looking for dynamic young women with leadership experience, academic excellence and inspiring goals. Winners receive a $5,000 cash prize, recognition in Glamour and a trip to New York City for an awards luncheon.

Any woman who is currently a full-time junior at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada for the 2010—2011 academic year is eligible to enter.

Students can read about our former winners, and download an application on our website here:


The deadline is December 1, 2010.

Truman Info Session Monday 9/27 4:30 pm

Attention Juniors and Sophomores!
Informational meeting for the Truman Scholarship
on Monday, September 27, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Munroe 222

About the Truman Scholarship

  • The Truman Foundation offers JUNIORS up to $30,000 for three years of graduate and professional study. (Degree programs include a master’s degree, a doctorate, or a professional degree such as a law degree or a Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Master of Education, Master of Public Policy, or Master of International Affairs)
  • The awards are based on merit (impressive record of academic achievement and leadership; GPA of 3.7 and higher)
  • Applicants must be committed to working in the non-profit sector—any organization that would have a .org, .edu, or .gov in its URL)
  • Truman Scholars are required to work in public service for three of the seven years following completion of a  graduate degree program
  • You must be US citizen to be eligible
  • More info online at go/fellowships and www.truman.gov

New Beinecke Scholar Kevin Madore ’11

Congratulations to Kevin Madore ’11 who was selected as one of twenty Beinecke Scholars in the country! The Beinecke Foundation provides $34,000 for students interested in pursuing a MA or PhD program in the humanities and social science.  A double major in Psychology and History, Kevin plans to purse a doctoral program in psychology. For more information about the Beinecke Scholarship, check out our website at go/fellowships .

Beinecke Fellowship

Now that the mad rush of fellowships in the fall has past, I want to throw the spotlight on the upcoming opportunities in December/January.  So let’s start with the Beinecke!

The Beinecke provides $34,000 in funding toward graduate study (MA and PhD programs) in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

Who can apply? JUNIORS (that means you expect to receive your degree between December 2010 and August 2011) who are:

  • US Citizens
  • Have history of receiving need-based financial aid as undergraduates
  • Have record of academic achievement (3.7 or higher)

You may defer graduate study for one year following Middlebury graduation. Funding can be used to support graduate study at non-US institutions as well as US institutions.

How to apply? You must first be nominated by Middlebury.  To apply for nomination,  the following materials are due to me in Adirondack House 202 by noon on Monday, January 11, 2009:

  • A statement of 1,000 words or less describing your background, interests, plans for graduate study, and career aspirations.  Discuss experiences and ideas that have shaped these plans.
  • A current résumé.
  • A Banner Degree Progress Report
  • Optional:  an additional statement (a paragraph or two) concerning your financial situation and any significance it may have on your graduate-school plans.
  • You can find more information online at go/sfas and www.BeineckeScholarship.org .  If you’re interested, talk with me this semester!

    Contest for Junior Women, aka Women in their Junior Year

    From Glamour Magazine: It’s that time of year again! Glamour magazine is pleased to invite your students to apply for our 2010 Top 10 College Women Competition.

    This competition recognizes the exceptional achievements and academic excellence of female college juniors (third-years) attending college in the United States and Canada. This is an ideal opportunity for talented students to be rewarded for their leadership roles on campus and in the greater community. It is also an opportunity to spotlight your college or university.

    Winners receive $3,000, coverage in an issue of the magazine, and a trip to New York City where they’ll meet with top female professionals. The deadline for entries is Dec. 1, 2009.

    The 2009 winners and the electronic application for the 2010 competition can be found on our website here: www.glamour.com/about/top-10-college-women . Please distribute this information to your best and brightest. We need you to help us find—and honor—the 2010 Top 10 College Women

    If you, or your students, have any questions regarding the competition, please email us at ttcw@glamour.com.