Nov 10 Internal Deadline for Truman, Beinecke, Goldwater, St. Andrews

The internal deadline is fast approaching! If you are considering applying for nomination for the Truman, Beinecke, Goldwater or St. Andrews Scholarship, now is the time to organize your application and ask questions! For information about each of these scholarships, see go/fellowships and look at the listing of fellowships. For Truman and Beinecke, you must be a current junior; for Goldwater sophomore or junior planning a research career in science; and a current senior for St. Andrews planning post-graduate study. Each has specific eligibility requirements (citizenship, GPA, financial aid, professional/educational plans) so read carefully!

Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute, Deadline Nov 1

The Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) is now accepting applications for the 2017 PPIA Fellowship!

PPIA prepares undergraduates to be competitive candidates for top degree programs in the fields of public policy, public administration or international affairs through participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI). JSI is an intensive, 7-week, academic program during the summer at one of these host campuses:  The Ford School – University of Michigan; The Goldman School – UC Berkeley;  Heinz College – Carnegie Mellon University; Woodrow Wilson School – Princeton University; Humphrey School – University of Minnesota

Eligible candidates are current undergrads who will be completing their B.A. between December 2017 and August 2018. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2016. See  for more info, eligibility, and application instructions.

PPIA’s mission is to promote the inclusion and full participation of underrepresented groups in public service and to advance their leadership roles throughout our civic institutions serving domestic and international affairs.

Truman Scholarship Info Session at 4:30pm on Tuesday, Oct 20 in the CTLR

Join Truman advisors Prof. Bert Johnson and Dean Lisa Gates and 2015 Truman Scholars Kate Hamilton and Maddie Orcutt for an in-depth conversation about the Truman scholarship program and application process. Juniors thinking about applying and first-year and sophomore students wanting to learn more are all welcome! Coffee and cookies served!

No need to register at this point–just come to the CTLR in the Davis Family Library at 4:30pm.

Questions? Email .

Learn More about the Critical Language Scholarship–Webinar on Oct.16

From CLS: We here at the CLS Program are excited to host a general CLS webinar for students and faculty on Friday, October 16th, at 4pm EST. The webinar will explain the goals of the program to potential applicants, talk through the benefits of participating on the program, and offer tips on the CLS Application. The application deadline this year is November 23rd, 7:59 PM EST.  Find out more about the CLS at .

Here is the link to join the webinar:

Upcoming Info Session about Fellowships for Sophomores, Juniors

Attention first-years, sophomores and juniors: learn about fellowships with late fall/ winter deadlines: Beinecke, Critical Language Scholarship (CLS), Goldwater, Pickering, Rangel, Truman, Udall and more. Most of these are only open to sophomores and juniors–but a few are also open to first-years. These are all different, but include awards for graduate study, summer study, and undergraduate study in various fields: science and math; environmental studies; public service; foreign service, humanities, social sciences, study of selected languages. Most are restricted to US citizens or permanent residents and have minimum GPA requirements ranging from 3.2-3.7, depending on fellowship.

Thursday, October 15 at 4:30 pm in Davis Library 105B

For more info, you can find descriptions at go/fellowships. Questions? Email