Nov 10 Internal Deadline for Truman, Beinecke, Goldwater, St. Andrews

The internal deadline is fast approaching! If you are considering applying for nomination for the Truman, Beinecke, Goldwater or St. Andrews Scholarship, now is the time to organize your application and ask questions! For information about each of these scholarships, see go/fellowships and look at the listing of fellowships. For Truman and Beinecke, you must be a current junior; for Goldwater sophomore or junior planning a research career in science; and a current senior for St. Andrews planning post-graduate study. Each has specific eligibility requirements (citizenship, GPA, financial aid, professional/educational plans) so read carefully!

Jing He ’17, Goldwater Scholar

Jing He, a physics major, has been named a Goldwater Scholar by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. Congratulations, Jing!

Jing is among 252 students awarded Goldwater Scholarships for the 2016-17 academic year. The one- and two-year scholarships go toward covering the cost of tuition, fees, books, room and board up to a maximum of $7,500 per year. The Goldwater Scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,150 mathematics, science, and engineering students who were nominated by the institutional representatives of 415 colleges and universities nationwide. Virtually all intend to obtain a Ph.D. as their degree objective. Read more about Jing and the award here: Jing He ’17 .