Middlebury internal deadlines set for British Scholarships: Rhodes, Marshall, and Mitchell

Any student planning to apply for either the Marshall, Rhodes, or Mitchell Scholarships for 2012 should be aware that these have VERY early deadlines.  You’ve heard me say this in previous missives, but because classes do not begin until September 12, the deadline for your application materials occurs BEFORE fall term begins.  Application materials are due Tuesday, September 6.  You also are required to come into the Center for Education in Action office (Adirondack House) by noon on Monday, September 12 to arrange for your on campus interview to take place either Tuesday, September 13 or Wednesday, September 14.

All of these and other deadlines have been updated on our Fellowships website:


Because of the extremely competitive nature of these awards, AND because of the early deadline, you are strongly encouraged notify me of your intent to apply, if you have not already done so.  My phone is 802-443-5103 or email: agibansm@middlebury.edu.   Feel free to get in touch over the summer with any questions, too.

Good luck.


Spring Information Sessions for British Scholarships and Fulbright

A British Scholarships Information Session to be held on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 pm in Axinn 219.  This is  for juniors who are interested in applying for British fellowships in fall, 2011. Sophomores who are interested but plan to be away next spring should also attend. Fellowships to be discussed include Rhodes, Churchill, Gates Cambridge, Keasbey, Marshall, Mitchell, and St. Andrew’s. Come learn about the different scholarship opportunities, selection criteria and application process. Please note the minimum GPA is typically 3.7 but that most successful nominees have GPAs of 3.8 or higher.

For more information or if you are unable to attend, you should contact Amy McGlashan, Fellowships Advisor, in the Center for Education in Action agibansm@middlebury.edu or ext 5103.

For students interested in applying for a Fulbright grant for independent research or English Teaching Assistantship,  an information session will be held on Tuesday, May 3 at 4:30pm in Library 201.  A reminder will follow to eligible students.

Fellowship for Teaching Science, Technology, Math and Engineering

From the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation: This Fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation seeks to recruit talented college graduates and mid-career professionals to teaching in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (the STEM fields).

About the fellowship: Woodrow Wilson’s Teaching Fellowship offers rigorous teaching preparation, extensive clinical experience, and ongoing mentoring, as well as a $30,000 stipend.  These Woodrow Wilson Fellows will be STEM scholars and experts—outstanding college juniors and seniors majoring in these fields, recent college graduates, and second-career professionals—interested in teaching in high-need middle or secondary schools.

Accepted Fellows will begin their studies in summer 2011 in a master’s degree program at institutions in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. In exchange, Fellows will commit to teaching math or science in a high-need middle or high school for three years upon completing the master’s degree and teaching certification.

The intent of this program is both to bring talented people into teaching in much-needed areas and also to help elevate the status of the profession.  Fellows from various Woodrow Wilson programs have gone on to achieve international recognition as intellectual leaders and top scholars, including 13 Nobel Laureates, 35 MacArthur “genius grant” Fellows, and two Fields Medalists in mathematics. The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows will become lifelong members of this network of scholars and intellectual leaders.

For additional information visit: www.woodrow.org/bestteach . Candidates may apply online directly but may also be nominated by Fellowship Directors.

All applications are due online by January 12, 2011

Inquiries may be directed to Sylvia Kovac, at: kovac@woodrow.org.

Upcoming deadline for DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship Program

From DAAD–and of interest to sophomores and juniors interested in studying in Germany next year: We would like to remind you of our upcoming deadline for the Undergraduate Scholarship Program. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invites highly qualified undergraduate students to apply for funding to study, do research and/or internships in Germany.  Scholarships are available for students taking part in an organized study abroad program/exchange or as part of an individual, student-designed study abroad experience.  Funding for a semester or the academic year is offered for 2011/12 (starting in fall 11) and includes a monthly stipend, health insurance and a lump sum for travel. Please note that students wanting to study in Germany in the spring of 2012 need to apply now.

For program details and FAQs please view our website: www.daad.org/?p=undergrad <http://www.daad.org/?p=undergrad>
Current DAAD-Scholar blogs: http://daadabroad.wordpress.com/
DAAD Young Ambassadors: http://www.daad.org/page/65670/
Current grantees are listed here: http://www.daad.org/page/awardwinners2010/