Join Barbara Ofosu-Somuah ’13 for a talk about her Fulbright and Watson Fellowships on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 229.
Barbara studied psychology, sociology and Italian at Middlebury. During her Watson year, she explored the role of hair in Black, Latina and multiracial cultures in several countries. For her Fulbright grant, she examined diversity and inclusion efforts in Italian schools.
See for fellowship details and links to profiles of additional current and past recipients.
Eligibility: Fulbright requires US citizenship and is open to seniors and young alumni; Watson is open to all citizenship types, but you can only apply your senior/super-senior fall.
If you’re considering applying to either of these in the fall, now is the time to think and to plan. Preliminary applications are due April 15 (but yes, you can still apply in the fall if you miss that date).