Fulbright Updates: Webinars, Awards, Resources

For those exploring Fulbright, some useful info for you!

Upcoming Applicant Webinars:

  • Study/Research Q&A, June 26, noon ET
  • Arts Q&A, June 27, 2pm ET
  • ETA Q&A, June 27, noon ET
  • General Q&A, July 11, 6pm ET
  • ETA Essays & Application Components, July 24, 6pm ET
  • Arts Portfolio & Application Components, July 25, 2pm ET
  • Study/Research Essay & Application Components, July 25, 6pm ET
  • Study/Research Polishing Application, August 15, noon ET
  • Arts Polishing Application, August 22, 2pm ET
  • ETA Polishing Application, August 22, noon ET
  • Study/Research Last-Minute Questions, September 10th noon ET
  • ETA Last-Minute Questions, September 12, noon ET
  • Arts Last-Minute Questions, September 14, noon ET

*NEW* Graduated Degree Opportunities Chart —Fulbright how has a chart listing countries that allow applicants to undertake graduate degree enrollment as their primary Fulbright activity.  

Interested in ETA positions that don’t require knowledge of a host-country language? Here’s a new one!

*NEW* ETA Program in Timor-Leste (2): Grantees will be placed at either a high school or university setting and work with English teachers to provide conversational English and/or integrate English language courses.  A brief description of preference can be highlighted in the statement of purpose.  University placement will be in the capital of Dili, Timor-Leste.  High school placement may be in Dili or in a rural setting.  Grantees will serve as a resource for conversation, vocabulary, reading, writing, and American cultural topics.

Schools in Timor-Leste are very crowded and lack conveniences such as air conditioning, hot water, gyms, and Western food. All ETAs will have access to internet connectivity. Candidates must be willing to adapt to local living conditions.

Approximately 30 hours per week will be spent in the classroom assisting English teachers and leading English activities. An additional 5-10 hours will be devoted to participating in or leading school-related activities, clubs, teams, etc. Applications should highlight the applicant’s talents/experience in coaching sports, music, theatre, art, and other skills that could be useful for engaging students both in and out of the classroom.

Foreign Language Proficiency: Not required

Schwarzman Scholars Information Session Wed 5/2/18 at 4:30pm in Library 201

Schwarzman Scholars Info Session

Join Christian Tanja from the Schwarzman Scholars Program to learn about this post-graduate fellowship to China. Open to international and US students, the language of instruction is English. The Schwarzman scholarship, inspired by the Rhodes scholarship, is a program designed to help future leaders meet the challenges of the 21st century and beyond by preparing them to better understand China’s culture, economy, governance, and motivations. Scholars will study for a one-year Masters’ degree in public policy, international relations, or economics and business at Tsinghua University—fully funded. Graduating seniors and recent alumni can apply. Learn more at schwarzmanscholars.org. Questions? Contact Dean Lisa Gates at fellowships@middlebury.edu.

Teach English in China! Deadline May 7, 2018

The China Educational Association of International Exchange (CEAIE) program will be a chance for experienced teachers to live and work in China for twelve months. The aim of the program is to promote language exchange and mutual understanding among young people at home and abroad, and to improve foreign language education in Chinese schools. 

Program Benefits:

  • TEFL Certification
  • Round-trip flight from U.S. to China
  • Free housing
  • International Experience

Website: https://www.iie.org/Programs/CEAIE-Teach-in-China

Deadline:  May 7th, 2018

Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences 2018 Intercollegiate Student Symposium, Call for Submissions

Intercollegiate Symposium at Norwich University



Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences 2018 Intercollegiate Student Symposium



The VAAS Intercollegiate Student Symposium is a forum for College and University students in Vermont to present original work in the Arts or Sciences.

SUBMISSIONS must be accompanied by a faculty recommendation acknowledging the outstanding nature of the work; must be in final format (no rough drafts); and include a cover letter indicating audiovisual requirements, as well as a phone number and e-mail address where you may be reached. For science presentations a detailed abstract is acceptable. Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes and may include class essays, creative writing, research projects, artwork, musical compositions, and/or multimedia presentations. If your work is accepted you will receive an invitation to participate, and will be expected to be present for the entire program (9:00-12:00) on April 21 to provide an oral presentation and to support other students. Free lunches will be provided.

WRITTEN WORK (including science abstracts): Send a double-spaced document in any common format (i.e., Word, PDF, Google Doc) via email.

ARTWORK: Send photographs via email with descriptions of the medium for up to three (3) works. The actual work must be displayed at the conference.

MUSIC: Send a score and a CD performance of the work via email. Use of Piano may be requested in advance.

THEATER: Send a YouTube or Vimeo link of a short scene of the performance that might be enacted at the conference.

MULTIMEDIA WORKS: Send a copy of your work via email. Include a text description of the nature of your presentation.

Submissions must be received by April 7, 2018.

All Materials should be sent to: mthomas3@norwich.edu

 Matthew Thomas, Psychology Department, Norwich University, Northfield, VT 05663

Symposium events are free and open to the public, family, friends and professors.

Talk by Watson Fellow and Fulbrighter Barbara Ofosu-Somuah ’13 on Tuesday, March 20

Join Barbara Ofosu-Somuah ’13 for a talk about her Fulbright and Watson Fellowships on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 4:30 pm in Axinn 229. 

Barbara studied psychology, sociology and Italian at Middlebury. During her Watson year, she explored the role of hair in Black, Latina and multiracial cultures in several countries. For her Fulbright grant, she examined diversity and inclusion efforts in Italian schools.

See go.middlebury.edu/watson for fellowship details and links to profiles of additional current and past recipients.

Eligibility: Fulbright requires US citizenship and is open to seniors and young alumni; Watson is open to all citizenship types, but you can only apply your senior/super-senior fall. 

If you’re considering applying to either of these in the fall, now is the time to think and to plan. Preliminary applications are due April 15 (but yes, you can still apply in the fall if you miss that date).