Apply for 2016 CUR Posters on the Hill

Posters on the Hill 2016 — Call for Abstracts

Council on Undergraduate Research
Application Period: Sept. 2-Nov. 4, 2015

Note: Middlebury provides travel funds for the faculty and student if accepted to present at Posters on the Hill in DC.

Your research should represent one of CUR’s Divisions (Arts and Humanities, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geosciences, Health Sciences, Mathematics/Computer Science, Physics/Astronomy, Psychology, and Social Sciences)

As the undergraduate research community works to ensure that those in the U.S. Congress have a clear understanding of the research and education programs they fund, nothing more effectively demonstrates the value of undergraduate research than a student participant’s words, work, and stories. Undergraduate research must be among the programs that members of Congress understand if it is to continue to be supported, and to grow.

Students and their faculty mentors are invited to apply for the Council on Undergraduate Research’s (CUR) 20th annual undergraduate poster session on Capitol Hill (in spring of 2016). In addition to other events, there will be an evening poster session and reception where students will have the opportunity to speak directly to members of Congress and demonstrate how they have been impacted by these programs.

Please visit the website for more information about the submission process and Posters on the Hill program. Questions? Please contact Sabrina Hall at READ MORE

Middlebury Summer Research Showcased at Symposium

MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — “Happy cows give more – and better quality – milk” was the surprising opening thought from several students who presented their research at the annual Summer Symposium for undergraduate research on July 30 at Bicentennial Hall. The eight students, all part of a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) innovation project, had developed a prototype device for early detection of hoof lesions in dairy cows. Read about their project and view a slideshow from the event in this Middlebury Communications article. See story and photos

Summer Research Symposium: Join the fun by presenting or attending

Summer Research Symposium
Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 2 pm
Bicentennial Great Hall

Includes a poster session with refreshments. The entire campus community is invited to attend.

To participate in the symposium presenters must submit an abstract by Thursday, July 23, 2015 by emailing the application to

See go/summer for more information.

Summer Research Program Luncheons

Sign up for this summer’s lunch and learn opportunities:

Research Luncheon: Marketing Your Research Skills
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 12 pm
Bicentennial Great Hall

Grab lunch in the great hall (if you signed up) and then move into 216 (STEM) and 220 (arts, humanities and social sciences). Presentations by the Center for Careers and Interships’ (CCI) Mary Lothrop and Tim Mosehauer. Sign up by Sunday 6/28 to reserve lunch.

Research Luncheon: Graduate School Panel
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 12 pm
Hillcrest 103

Join a newer faculty panel discussion on graduate school considerations. Panelists: Adam Dean (Political Science), AJ Vasiliou (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Ananya Christman (Computer Science), and Brandon Baird (Spanish & Portuguese). Sign up by Sunday 7/19 to reserve lunch.

More information can be found at go/summer