Yes, deadlines are fast approaching. Summer is officially over.
Watson internal deadline: Wednesday, Sept 9 at noon. To apply for nomination, complete the required sections of the Watson online application and send an email to with a Banner transcript (advising format if possible), the names of your recommenders. In the subject line, write “Watson internal application.” We will download your online Watson app and share the materials with our selection committee. Candidates will be invited to interview with the committee in early October. See go/watson for the applicant timeline and checklist if you’ve forgotten what to complete on the Watson online application!
Fulbright internal deadline: Monday, Sept 14 at noon. Please submit your complete, final, polished application in the Fulbright online system by this deadline. If you have recommendations or affiliations that will be late, let us know. If there are errors on the transcript we sent you, let us know. If you can’t submit because you are missing recommendations, email . If there are typos or problems we discover after you submit, never fear: you have time to fix these issues. You will receive an interview sign-up sheet later on 9/14 for your campus committee interview (via Zoom).
Questions or problems: email us at .