8:15 Sorry for the late start. Hope you can join in – just hit the comments button to the right.
So, so far the Republican have trotted out one woman after another. Do you think they are aware of the gender gap?
Remember, every politician who gets a plum speaking assignment is hoping to reprise Obama’s 2004 performance and catch lightning in a bottle.
Love that New England accent – a “leaduh”!
By the way, we are watching this on C-SPAN. Not sure when the national networks are going to cover this.
John Kasich has come fully caffeinated.
Btw, the pundits are constantly over analyzing the content of these speeches. They are not meant to be policy seminars – they are meant to sketch out broad themes to invigorate the base and maybe draw in first-time listeners…
First campaign ad is up – and what do you know? It’s a business owner mocking Obama’s “You didn’t build that” speech. I see a theme here.
Wow, still another woman speaker!
Expect to see a lot of homestate references – Gov. Fallin just trotted out the “that dog don’t hunt” saying. Cue Dan Rather.
(Joe – Have to agree – you never diss someone else’s golf game in public. Unless it’s Charles Barkley’s.)
Another “you didn’t built that” ad. I get it.
Republican Governor Bob McDonnell is on. Another potential VP candidate. The consolation prize for all of them is apparently a speaking gig at the convention.
Twitter feed people are mocking coverage on major cable stations – too much punditry, not enough speeches. But it is a reminder that this is not showing on national networks as yet.
The other point to keep in mind is that at least some of these speakers are in line for a post in Romney’s administration. McDonnel is likely one of them.
McDonnell is introducing another business owner – a woman, to boot. Do we see a theme here?
On the twitter feed, Obama backers are trying to put the “somebody invested in roads and bridges” where it came in the actual quote. Not going to make a difference tonight. Do you think Obama regrets that statement?
Republicans are doing a good job moving this along. That’s good, because there haven’t been a lot of barnburners speeches so far.
this may change. Scott Walker – the Republican hero who beat back the recall vote in Wisconsin – is up, to big applause.
So far, the Republicans are staying on message. Nary a mention of a social issue.
A musical interlude! A good chance to see what the other stations are running….nothing.
Back to CSPAN – Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval is on. Another key battleground state.
Rick Santorum is on deck. Will he pivot to social issues, or stay on the economic message?
One of the things that I think pundits have overplayed is that Romney needs to become more “likable” during this convention. I don’t think that is going to affect very many votes, one way or the other….
Before Santorum, however, another small business owner – this one from New Mexico.
This time a different Obama speech – the famous “bump in the road” speech.
and here’ s Rick – no sweater vest!
Rick gives a shoutout to his 90+ year old Mom, and then to his son who is a cadet …. let’s see if he stays on message.
So far, so good. It’s all about the economy, stupid.
But it couldn’t last. Rick is on to family values, although he’s trying very very hard to link it to the economy. But he really can’t help himself…In Rick’s defense, he’s trying very hard to link family values, and God, to economic prosperity.
Here’s a nice line – “I shook the hand of the American Dream, and it was strong”…..
And he’s on a lyrical riff here, using the hand metaphor….and here comes the Bella story.
Rick has hit the mark. Best speech so far….but then he’s had practice.
Meanwhile, the twitter pundits are screeching about Republicans inaccurately claiming that Obama is repealing the welfare work requirement. He’s not, but that’s not going to stop the Republicans!
In the end, despite the pivot to his social issues, this was a good speech by Santorum – but I do wonder whether it was more about him than Romney. I’m guessing the Romney folk are hoping his attacks on Obama resonated.
Next up, another rising star in the Republican field: U.S Senate candidate Ted Cruz, who – backed by the Tea party – secured the Republican nomination. He’s speaking without standing behind the podium. Here’s his chance to shine…. Cruz is laying into Obama, and making an appeal to Hispanic voters. But he’s largely staying on message…..uh oh, the reference to learning English may prove to be a lightening rod for some….
And now it is Artur! Olivier Knox claims his speech is scathing. Remember – four years ago he was nominating Obama!
I’m sitting back to listen. I’ll be back later….
Artur is on a roll…..
Well, that was the red meat special so far – the right wing twitter feed is lighting up. They like Artur. Even more impressive, Obama supporters are taking the time to take his speech down a notch.
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is on, while Ann Romney waits in the wings…..
Haley is solid – and here’s Ann, with prime time coverage clicking in. She’s going to try to “humanize” Mitt, no doubt.
And she’s going to talk about “love”.
(BTW, Matt Drudge has leaked the draft text of the Chris Christie speech – it’s reprinted here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/24/chris-christie-speech-_n_1838130.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
Meanwhile, Ann begins with an open appeal to women voters. Remember, Mitt is staring at a huge gender gap….
I don’t find efforts by any Romney to highlight their poor roots very believable.
Ann is doing a much better job when she talks about the reality of marriage.
I have to think this is the best speech of the night….she’s doing a wonderful job…..and here’s the money line… Mitt wasn’t handed success….”he built it”! cue applause….
And here she’s trying to make Bain a selling point for Mitt – Can she pull that off?
A heckuva speech. I can see portions of it excerpted for campaign ads. She is getting a well deserved standing O, and Mitt comes out to join here. Television gold….
Chris Christie coming up….and here’s the preparation with an introductory campaign ad.
Hard to follow that speech, but Christie is probably the guy who can do it. ..
so far, this has been a lot about Christie – not much Mitt so far…..and the tone is an abrupt switch. We’ve gone from “love” to “what the ‘eff I can get done.” Think “tough love”….
so far, not much Romney here…..
This is a helluva speech – for Christie. Is he going to mention Romney’s name?
Ah, he finally does, but Mitt doesn’t look comfortable. I’m afraid that Chris is milking this speech about five minutes too long – he’s pushing Bill Clinton territory. time to wrap it up Chris…
and he does, but not before imploring the audience to stand up for Mitt (which they do)…..got to hand it to Chris. An effective speech – but it probably worked better for him than for Mitt…Note that Chris finished at 10:59 – just in time for the late news!
That’s the wrap for day 1. I’m switching over to the Red Sox but will try to recap tomorrow……..good night all……
Final thoughts: I think Ann’s speech was the highlight of the night, while Artur was the most effective at riling up the base. Christie was solid, but there was too much “I” and not enough “Mitt”.
Keep in mind that there a tendency to overreact to any single speech – in the end, all anyone will likely remember is what Mitt says – and maybe not even that.
More in a bit….