For part one of the series, click here.
As any scholar can attest, the best part about being Posse, aside from the warm fuzzies and weekly/bi-weekly/BIG meetings with each other and the mentors, is having someone to go for advice. So for the month of August, 2011 we asked the scholars, “I wish I had known or someone had told me… (about Middlebury)” and this is what they had to say:
“Don’t wear the lanyard thing they give you with your ID, it’ll mark you as a first year. Axinn is a great place to study and they’ve got a bunch of rooms where you can watch movies on a projector (Although a lot of buildings have that). Long johns aren’t necessary but I wear mine when its gets extremely cold and they’re freaking comfy. You need a good pair of boots for the snow, preferably ones that will be good in the rain/mud too. A lot of people have bikes on campus. I like having mine around but as you know everything is pretty walkable. You’ve got your posse to hang with and for support, but don’t forget to hang out with other people too!”
Matt (MP10)
“Give everything a try! Classes that sound interesting, clubs you’re thinking of trying, lectures, trips, events, everything. Even food in the dining hall you’ve never had before. These are the years to experience as much as possible.
Parties to avoid: try all parties freshman year, avoid all those parties later on. Hide and seek: Big trees outside mccullough student center. Another big rush problem; dining halls, esp lunch and dinner. Ex: 12:25pm, lunch lines can be out the door, go early from your room, or leave class the second it gets out at 12:15.
MIDDLEBURY POSSE SCHOLARS** have a special posse donor to help us out if we need. Use it! That is how I paid for my flight to Australia my sophomore J-term.
Oh yeah, really consider going abroad. It doesn’t have to be for everyone, but college is a GREAT chance to travel. Even during J-term! That’s what I did.
Go skiing! I only went once, borrowed snow pants from a friend, rent equipment from the snow bowl. Give it a try.
I hope you live in Battell. Ugly rooms that feel like prison, can hear through the walls, loud neighbors, great time.
Classes/profs: dont be afraid to go to your professors and ask for help. Most of them would be delighted to help. Don’t be shy about asking other students to be study partners, I was always embarrassed about looking dumb. Chances are most students feel lost.”
Becca (MP8)
“Be yourself. Never be ashamed of where you came from. Never feel the need to divide based on where you came from. Find a balance. Be cool and confident. Be calm. Have a strong sense of inter-personal awareness. Do what makes you happy. Have a strong sense of self. If you don’t because you’re young and the world doesn’t make sense yet (it might never) DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TRY NEW THINGS, TALK TO NEW PEOPLE, and GO TO NEW PLACES.
You can’t FIND yourself unless you expose yourself to different things but be careful not to LOSE yourself along the way…”
Sabrina (MP9)
Come back every Thursday during the month of August for the rest of the advice. And if you would still like to contribute, click here.