I, too, was skeptical about Twitter at first. For starters, I thought it had a stupid name-“Twitter,” really? Secondly, the idea of informing people what I was doing seemed kind of unnecessary since I already had Facebook (not that I even use Facebook to let people know what I was up to). But after joining at the insistence of one of my best friends, I kind of grew to like it. I use Twitter as more of a “philosophical” forum…noting things that I notice or just putting up lyrics that describe my mood in that current moment, rather than saying “I am a little upset” or something equally uninteresting. I think Twitter has a lot of potential with things like Amber Alerts and breaking news stories from the NY Times and things of the like. Does it annoy me when friends of mine post “unnecessary” updates that I don’t care about? SURE. But do I love it when I get “insider info” from the Jets and Cavs? You bet your bottom dollar! It’s a trade-off. For companies, especially, Twitter is an incredible bulletin forum. Instead of sending a mass e-mail or mass texts or something–just update the company Twitter and all your employees will be on the same page as you. Fast, easy, and best of all? FREE.