Middlebury Newsletter School in Germany

Mainz and Berlin

by Heike Fahrenberg
Comments Off on Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

Vielleicht, wenn man ganz nah dran ist....?

Welcome (back) to Spring Term at the School in Germany!

New students kicked off the new term by completing Orientation in both cities. While Orientation does serve the purpose to familiarize students with program requirements and to help them to navigate a different academic system, it’s also meant to provide an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings and to find their way around in the city of their choice.

Therefore, all of our new students participated in a guided city tour and also engaged in self-directed and tutor-supported culture-projects.  Either picking from a large variety of topics or coming up with their personal interest, they explored specific questions by exploring their cities and by interviewing quite a large sample of native speakers in the process.

In Mainz, students explored local foods and their traditions, the significance of the local soccer team Mainz 05, and the traces of visible and audible French influence in the city of Mainz and the local dialect(s). In Berlin, one student wondered whether there should be an entrance fee for the Berlin Cathredral, another did a presentation on the ‘Kudamm-Karee’.

While ‘Berliners’ already finished their first week of class attendance, the Mainzers start this week — so welcome and welcome back!

The Team

I’d also like to welcome our new tutors Judith Perisic und Annika Vogt in Mainz, and Lena Teichler and Johanna Lang in Berlin — Lena had worked as a tutor previously and has just returned from studying and teaching in the U.S., so we are extremely happy to have the new folks on board as we are happy to have Lena back!!!

Last but not the least I’m welcoming back the continuing members of our team, Kathrin Dupré in Mainz, and Majella Hirschberg in Berlin — we’re glad you’re still with us!


In late October last year, some of our continuing students started to work on getting an internship in their second term, and while not all were able to find the internship due to a lack of offerings in specific fields, I’m happy to let you know that thanks to initiative of these students, and thanks to the untiring engagement of my assistant Barbara Wagner, who is in charge of our internship-program, we were able to secure internships for both Graduate and Undergraduate program participants at the Political Science Departments at both JGu Mainz and FU Berlin, one at the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, two internships at the Deutsche Bundestag, Berlin, one at the JFK Community School, Berlin, and one at the Gutenberg Printing Shop, Mainz. If you should be interested in a current list of previous internships, please go to http://www.middlebury.edu/sa/germany/programdesigngermany

All in all, we hope that everybody will have a great first or second term at the C.V. Starr-Middlebury School in Germany!

Best of Spring Greetings to all of you, wherever you are —

Heike Fahrenberg




by Heike Fahrenberg
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Nationalismus in Deutschland und Amerika, by Alisa Rethy, program participant (Kenyon College)

Gestern Abend habe ich eine sehr interessante Konversation mit meinem deutschen Freund gehabt. Ich habe bemerkt, dass man ziemlich wenige deutsche Flaggen hier im Vergleich mit amerikanischen Flaggen in den Vereinigten Staaten sieht, und das hat eine lange Diskussion über die Unterschiede zwischen Nationalismus in Amerika und in Deutschland angeregt.

Obwohl ich natürlich schon wusste, dass Nationalismus einen viel schlimmeren Ruf hier als in Amerika habt, war ich trotzdem überrascht, dass er so empfindlich und kritisch im Hinblick auf Zeichen des Nationalismus in Deutschland ist. Ich habe es besonders bemerkenswert gefunden, wie viele Dinge er als nationalistisch wahrnimmt, die in Amerika nie auf diese Weise wahrgenommen werden würden. Zum Beispiel, er hat gesagt, dass er es unangenehm findet, sogar Call and Response mit dem Publikum bei einem Konzert zu machen. Er hat erklärt: “Ich finde es problematisch, nur fünfzig Jahre nach Hitler ein Teil von so einem aufgeregten Menschenmenge zu sein.” Ich hatte diese Zusammenhang nie selbst gesehen. Ein weiteres Beispiel von dem Einfluss der deutschen Geschichte des Nationalismus, das er mir erzählt habe, ist dass bei internationalen Fußballtournieren die Deutschen “Deutschland!” nicht schreien wollen und stattdessen “Schland” sagen. (…)

by Heike Fahrenberg
Comments Off on Happy New Year and ‘Helau’

Happy New Year and ‘Helau’

After a long and noisy night of New Year’s celebrations outside in the streets with everybody having their own fireworks, January 1 witnesses a true Mainz tradition, when the Fassenachtsguards march through the city — they officially took over on Nov. 11 and will protect the city and its inhabitants against humorless nit-picking pedants and stingy bean-counters at least till Ash Wednesday.


Only after the parade is over and about 3000 participants joined by their audience have gathered on the marketplace, do they greet each other with ‘Helau’.

So we greet you and hope that you will be protected from bean-counters and humorless pedants as well for the whole year to come!

In othe words: Prost Neujahr and Helau aus Deutschland and the best wishes for the new year!


All images in this post by courtesy of Jürgen Breuel


February: Update on Student Activities (individual, program sponsored travel, culture projects)
Update on the team — Saying Good-bye and Welcome to the Team: We’re in the process of hiring 4 new tutors for Spring Term 2014.

March: Update on Internships for Spring 2014