Category Archives: exam hours

24/7 period for Davis Family Library

The Davis Family Library will be open 24 hours a day starting Sunday morning, May 7th. Regular hours resume for Friday and Saturday, May 12th and 13th, then 24/7 resumes until 8 pm on Tuesday, May 23rd. After 11 pm, you will need your ID to access the building.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours, with extended hours Friday and Saturday, May 19th and 20th (closing at 10 pm).

A full calendar of the hours can be found at go/hours

Exam hours for the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will offer extended hours starting Sunday, December 4th. We will open at 9 am that day and be open 24 hours through Friday, December 9th, when we will close at the regular 11 pm. Saturday, December 10th will be regular hours, 9 am – 11 pm. 24/7 will resume on Sunday starting at 9 am and the library will close at 10 pm on Sunday, December 18th. A Middlebury College ID will be required to enter the library after 11 pm during this period.

Armstrong Library will maintain regular hours, with extended hours on Friday and Saturday, December 16th and 17th.

Full hours can be found at go/hours.

24/7 Period at the Davis Family Library

The Davis Family Library will be open 24 hours a day starting Sunday morning, May 8th. Regular hours resume for Friday and Saturday, May 13th and 14th, then 24/7 resumes until 8 pm on Tuesday, May 24th. After 11 pm, you will need your ID to access the building.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours, with extended hours Friday and Saturday, May 20th and 21st (closing at 10 pm and midnight, respectively).

A full calendar of the hours can be found at go/hours

Exam Hours at the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will offer extended hours starting Sunday, December 6th. We will open at 9 am that day and be open 24 hours through Friday, December 11th, when we will close at the regular 11 pm. Saturday, December 12th will be regular hours, 9 am – 11 pm. 24/7 will resume on Sunday starting at 9 am and the library will close at 10 pm on Sunday, December 20th. A Middlebury College ID will be required to enter the library after 11 pm during this period.

Armstrong Library will maintain regular hours, with extended hours on Friday and Saturday, December 18th and 19th.

Full hours can be found at go/hours.

Exam Hours at the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will offer extended hours starting Sunday, May 3rd. We will open at 9 am that day and be open 24 hours through Friday, May 8th, when we will close at the regular 11 pm. Saturday, May 9th will be regular hours, 9 am – 11 pm. 24/7 will resume on Sunday starting at 9 am and the library will close at 8 pm on Tuesday, May 19th.

Armstrong Library maintain regular hours, with extended hours on Friday and Saturday, May 15th and 16th.

Full hours can be found at go/hours.

24/7 exam hours for the libraries

The Davis Family library is now open 24 hours a day through December 14th. After 11 pm, you will need your ID to access the building. The library will close at 10 pm on Sunday, December 14th.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours, with extended hours Friday and Saturday, December 12th and 13th (closing at 10 pm and midnight, respectively).

A full calendar of the hours can be found at go/hours

24/7 exam period at the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will be providing extended hours during the last week of classes and the exam period.

24/7 hours will start at 9:00 am on Sunday, 5/4 and will end at 8 pm on Tuesday, 5/20. Bring your ID – card access is required between 11 pm and 7:30 am (9 am on Saturday and Sunday). Guest passwords for computer access will not be issued between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours during this period, with later closing times on Friday 5/16 and Saturday 5/17.

Check here for up to date hours at all Libraries.

24/7 exam period at the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will be providing extended hours during the last week of classes and the exam period.

24/7 hours will start at 9:00 am on Sunday, 12/2 and will end at 10 pm on Sunday, 12/15. Bring your ID – card access is required between 11 pm and 7:30 am (9 am on Saturday and Sunday). Guest passwords for computer access will not be issued between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours during this period, with later closing times on Friday 12/13 and Saturday 12/14.

Check here for up to date hours at all Libraries.

24/7 Exam period at the libraries

The Davis Family Library will be providing extended hours during the last week of classes and the exam period.

24/7 hours will start at 9:00 am on Sunday, 5/5 and will end at 8 pm on Tuesday, 5/21. Bring your ID – card access is required between 11 pm and 7:30 am (9 am on Saturday and Sunday). Guest passwords for computer access will not be issued between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours during this period, with later closing times on Friday 5/17 and Saturday 5/18.

Check here for up to date hours at all Libraries.

24/7 Exam period at the Libraries

The Davis Family Library will be providing extended hours during the last week of classes and the exam period.

24/7 hours will start at 9:00 am on Sunday, 12/2 and will end at 10 pm on Sunday, 12/16. Bring your ID – card access is required between 11 pm and 7:30 am (9 am on Saturday and Sunday). Guest passwords for computer access will not be issued between the hours of 11 pm and 8 am.

Armstrong Library will have regular hours during this period, with later closing times on Friday 12/14 and Saturday 12/15.

Check here for up to date hours at all Libraries.