Do you have a great idea that would benefit Middlebury students, the environment, and/or the community?
Apply to the Middlebury College David S. Stone ‘74 Tree House Fund!
What is it?
· Up to $2000 total is available this year to fund one or several creative student projects that benefit Middlebury students, the environment, or the community.
· These awards are intended to support student-initiated projects that would not have otherwise been funded through other sources. Projects may not add additional unanticipated cost to the operating budget.
Who can apply?
· All Middlebury undergraduates are eligible to apply as individuals or in collaboration with other Middlebury students.
· Middlebury organizations, clubs, teams or groups already recognized by the College and receiving College funding may not apply.
What do I need to submit?
Applications should include:
· Completed David S. Stone ’74 Tree House Fund Application (enclosed, and available on line:
· Tentative proposal budget
· Tentative proposal implementation timeline based on approval by the end of February.
When and where do I submit my application?
Application materials are due at 136 McCullough Hall (the office suite across from the ATM machine) to Administrative Associate Diane Foley by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16 . Funding recipient(s) will be notified shortly thereafter. All projects must be fully implemented by Commencement in May 2011.