The Research on Adaptation to Climate Change (RACC) internship program is designed to provide student research opportunities in lake and watershed ecology, climatology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, soil nutrients, environmental engineering and environmental policy and management, as well as computer science and modeling. We are especially interested in supporting students from populations underrepresented in science, including students from two year colleges, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities.
Internship Period
The internship lasts 10 weeks during the summer (June 1 – August 7, 2015). The program starts with a 3-day orientation at Saint Michael’s College from June 1-3 (all students stay on campus; housing/meals provided). The following April, interns are required to attend and present their research at the Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium.
Financial Support
Interns earn hourly wages for the equivalent of $5,000 over the 10 week period (up to 400 hours). Worker’s compensation at 8.7% is part of the wages.
• Students graduating prior to the start of internship are not eligible to apply.
• Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents enrolled in a college or university with a strong interest in a career in a STEM or social science field.
Individuals with disabilities, veterans, students from underrepresented minority groups, and students from two year colleges are strongly encouraged to apply.
The goal is to encourage a diverse group of talented students to explore careers in scientific research. Please refer to the VT EPSCoR website for additional information: Applications are due by Friday, January 29th, 2016. Check out more information about the program in this brochure EPSCoR_RACC_Undergrad_2016.
Contact Project Manager with any questions:
Laura Yayac, Project Manager, VT EPSCoR CWDD, 802.654.3270