The Natural Areas Program at Metro: Conservation
Application deadline: Friday, March 25th
Project Background: In 2006, voters approved a $230 million dollar bond measure to protect natural areas and safeguard Portland area water quality. With this bond measure, more than 2,400 acres have been acquired in addition to the 8,200 acres acquired under the first bond measure approved in 1995.
Besides its Natural Areas Bond Measure Program, Metro is also closely aligned with a coalition of conservation groups developing a Conservation Strategy. The geography spans two states and portions of nine counties. New datasets are being developed; there is a draft four-meter land cover, and we are working on a protected lands layer. We need to improve and stitch together streams, wetlands, and other datasets. Priority areas from various organizations also need to be assembled.
Middlebury Area Land Trust: Trail Work and GIS
Mapping Internship
Application deadline: Friday, March 25th
The Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT) conserves, promotes, and manages land as natural, open, and working landscapes in Addison County. MALT also provides and supports recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities for the community.
We have conserved over 2600 acres in Middlebury and the surrounding towns and maintains the popular 16-mile Trail Around Middlebury (TAM). Most recently we have focused on protecting and developing important recreation amenities such as Otter View Park and conserving specific important natural resources such as the Middlebury River corridor and Addison County’s clay plain forests. (