Resources for Getting International Jobs/Internships

When I learned I had to write a cover letter and a C.V. before I go abroad to Chile, I was unsettled. I asked myself,

“What do I include? How do I write a cover letter? How is a CV different from a resume?

Wait… how do you say intern in Spanish?”

Then I realized that we have plenty of resources here at the Career Services to help me (and you) out!

We have Going Global, Read more

Thinking of an Internship Abroad?

Being a Career Counselor on weekly Drop-Ins at Career Services (CSO) allows you to confront all kinds of situations: from the student who really has no clue what they want to do when they graduate in May to the student that is looking to get back abroad after a return from their study-abroad experience. All types of inquiries are welcomed and encouraged! Frankly, the less straight forward, possibly the more satisfaction a student might walk away with if I’m able to assist them in realizing their own strengths and skills that are transferable and applicable to just about anything (well, almost anything!)

One area I’ve seen a lot of traffic lately is students looking to find ways to get back overseas for either summer internships or jobs. So here are a few tips in looking for those opportunities: Read more