The Innovation Hub is now accepting applications for its J-Term course Middlebury Entrepreneurs. This is a visiting instructor-led winter term course taught by the team at the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET). The goal of the class is to provide student entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge necessary for developing their ideas for a new business, tech […]…Continue Reading Midd Entrepreneurs J-Term Course Info Session
Tag: winter term
Global Health Trip to Ghana for J-Term
Join ROC founder Natalie Meyer ‘21 for an information session on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:00 PM in Axinn 229 about this J-term internship for credit opportunity in northern Ghana for 3 weeks and then 1 week in Middlebury. Sign up on Handshak……Continue Reading Global Health Trip to Ghana for J-Term
Winter Term Internship Info Session on Tuesday, 9/24 at 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103
Each Winter Term, many Middlebury students participate in internships. Internships are a valuable opportunity to earn academic credit while gaining high-level exposure to work tied to your academic and/or professional interests. On Tuesday, September 24 at 4:30pm, the Center for Careers and Internships will host an information session for students interested in Winter Term Internships […]…Continue Reading Winter Term Internship Info Session on Tuesday, 9/24 at 4:30 pm in Hillcrest 103
Winter-Term EMT Course Fall Information Meeting
Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 pm in Coltrane Lounge The Winter Term EMT Program is a credit bearing comprehensive, emergency medical internship that is co-sponsored by Middlebury College and Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS). The intensive month long program will provide students the opportunity to become nationally certified EMT-B’s. EMT skills may be used to provide medical […]…Continue Reading Winter-Term EMT Course Fall Information Meeting
Hot WINTER TERM Opportunities Week of 10/29/18
Here are just a few of the Winter Term internships for credit available via Handshake. Take note of the winter term deadlines this week. Here is a curated list of Winter Term opportunities; Click HERE. Winter Term Marketing Intern – Better Middlebury Partnership Unpaid Part-Time Internship Middlebury, VT Apply before Tuesday, 10/30 Winter Term Legislative […]…Continue Reading Hot WINTER TERM Opportunities Week of 10/29/18
HOT Social Impact Opportunities Week of 10/24-10/30
Searching for a winter term internship on or off campus, a summer internship or job for after graduation? Check out these great opportunities posted in Handshake. There are many more, too. Deadlines are fast approaching! Give2asia Finance Intern – Applications close on October 30th at 7:00 pm The Nature Conservancy – Science Communication Fellow – Applications close […]…Continue Reading HOT Social Impact Opportunities Week of 10/24-10/30
WT Internship for Pre-Medical Students with Dr. Rick Hodes in Ethiopia
This is an incredible opportunity for pre-medical students to shadow a world-renown Middlebury alum. For 30 years, Dr. Rick Hodes ’75, has worked out of the basement of a crowded public hospital, treating patients with spinal deformities and heart disease, as well as a variety of other rare medical issues. The majority of these patients […]…Continue Reading WT Internship for Pre-Medical Students with Dr. Rick Hodes in Ethiopia