Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (trial ends August 7, 2014)

For thirty days, the Middlebury College community has free access to the Oxford Language Dictionaries The innovative Oxford Language Dictionaries Online site offers essential language resources never before available online: fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages. Let us […]…Continue Reading Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (trial ends August 7, 2014)

Environment and Agriculture – Taylor and Francis journal collection (trial through April 30)

Because Middlebury was ranked by Sierra Magazine as one of the “Cool Schools,” Taylor & Francis is graciously providing us with free access to the 212 journals in their Environment and Agriculture Collection. Since there isn’t a specific page or website for these journals, after the trial we will see whether the journals in this […]…Continue Reading Environment and Agriculture – Taylor and Francis journal collection (trial through April 30)

Art and Architecture streaming video (trial ends April 21, 2014)

View any of over 700 videos highlighting many aspects of art and architecture, including Art – drawing, painting, sculpture Art appreciation Art history Many architectural periods, including Baroque, Medieval, and Modern and more! The Art & Architecture collection from Films on Demand is available on a trial basis to the Middlebury College community through April […]…Continue Reading Art and Architecture streaming video (trial ends April 21, 2014)

Oxford Biblical Studies Online – trial through March 24, 2014

For the next month, we have free access to Oxford Biblical Studies Online, on a trial basis. Oxford Biblical Studies Online provides a comprehensive resource for the study of the Bible and biblical history. The integration of authoritative scholarly texts and reference works with tools that provide ease of research into the background, context, and […]…Continue Reading Oxford Biblical Studies Online – trial through March 24, 2014

Oxford Biblical Studies Online – trial through March 24, 2014

For the next month, we have free access to Oxford Biblical Studies Online, on a trial basis. Oxford Biblical Studies Online provides a comprehensive resource for the study of the Bible and biblical history. The integration of authoritative scholarly texts and reference works with tools that provide ease of research into the background, context, and […]…Continue Reading Oxford Biblical Studies Online – trial through March 24, 2014

SAGE Research Methods Online (trial ends February 28, 2014)

Students, faculty, and staff at the Monterey Institute for International Studies and at Middlebury College now have trial access to SAGE Research Methods Online … a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly […]…Continue Reading SAGE Research Methods Online (trial ends February 28, 2014)