“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Marcella Houghton ’12.5 interned with the State College Area Food Bank in State College, PA. What did you do? Twice a week I assisted Bill Zimmer, the home gardener growing crops for the State College […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Marcella Houghton ’12.5
Tag: Summer Internship Series
In Their Own Words: Alice Oshima ’15
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Alice Oshima ‘15 interned with the Harlem Community Justice Center in New York City. What did you do? This summer, I interned with the Harlem Community Justice Center, which is part of the umbrella organization […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Alice Oshima ’15
In Their Own Words: Mia Benjamin ’13
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Mia Benjamin ’13 interned with Pathways for Mutual Respect and the International Institute of Connecticut in Singapore, Malaysia and Connecticut. What did you do? I worked to promote Pathways for Mutual Respect’s interfaith dialogue initiative […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Mia Benjamin ’13
In Their Own Words: Lelise Getu ’13
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Lelise Getu ’13 interned doing Immunology Research at the NYU School of Medicine in New York City. What did you do? I interned full time as a research assistant with the B-Cell Immunology Laboratory at […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Lelise Getu ’13
In Their Own Words: Esme Lutz ’12.5
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Esme Lutz ’12.5 interned with the Rehwa Society in Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh, India. What did you do? My project focuses on the Rehwa Society, an Indian nonprofit organization established in 1978 dually to promote a […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Esme Lutz ’12.5
In Their Own Words: Ellery Berk ’14
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Ellery Berk ’14 interned with Gardens for Health International in Kigali, Rwanda. What did you do? For the month of June, I interned with Gardens for Health International as a communications intern, conducting interviews, collecting […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Ellery Berk ’14
In Their Own Words: Catherine Charnov ’13
“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Catherine Charnov ’13 interned with Universal Records in New York City. What did you do? This summer, I interned in the A&R department of Universal Records in New York City. I had previous experience in […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Catherine Charnov ’13