Circulation is pleased to announce that renewals are now allowed on most items, even if they are overdue. Renewals are possible online via My MIDCAT or in person at the Circulation Desk. This new policy does NOT apply to equipment, inter-library loans, items on reserve, or items with holds. So that these restricted items will […]…Continue Reading Renewals now allowed on overdue books
Tag: service changes
A Circ Change
A colleague shared this picture with me the other day – and though I am not inclined to post pictures of myself on the web, it seemed like the perfect image to inform you about an upcoming change in Circulation Services.
My last day at Midd will be June 30. I am moving to southern Vermont, […]…Continue Reading A Circ Change
Library Ending CD Borrowing through ILL
Due to staffing and budget reductions in LIS, we are no longer able to continue traditional ILL services for CD requests. As of Feb. 1st we will no longer be borrowing or lending CDs through ILL.
Other options for getting CDs:
Borrow from NExpress: http://go/nexpress. You can specifically search for CDs and other sound recordings by selecting “Sound Recordings” from the “View Entire Collection” drop down box on the NExpress search page.
Request a purchase:
Notice to students about new printing system
Here’s what I just sent out today to all Middlebury students.
To Middlebury Students,
I’m writing with news about changes in student printing services that LIS offers. As reported in a recent CAMPUS article, starting in February of 2010, LIS will institute a new printing policy. This new policy provides students with an allotment of free prints. […]…Continue Reading Notice to students about new printing system
Announcement of change in LIS Screening Policy
Dear Colleagues,
I’m writing to let you know of a change in LIS support for film and video screenings that will go into effect for the Spring 2010 semester. Due to staffing and budget reductions in LIS, we are no longer able to provide projectionist assistance for screening videos in DVD, VHS and Laserdisc formats.
Nothing will […]…Continue Reading Announcement of change in LIS Screening Policy