Ambassador Corps A transformative, hands-on experience that sets the stage for a purposeful and international career. The Ambassador Corps program offers an entry point for a meaningful career by way of internship opportunities with non-profit, micro-finance, governmental or private organizations. The Ambassador Corps is an intensive three-month summer internship that is specifically designed to provide Middlebury […]…Continue Reading Interested in an international career? Come check out the Ambassador Corps Program! INFO SESSION TODAY in the CCI Adirondack House Library!
Tag: NGOs/Intl. Development
Interested in creating a high impact in our global community? Apply now to over 150 fellowship opportunities with the Global Health Corps!
Through the Global Health Corps a number of high-impact positions are available for recent graduates in health-focused organizations in the U.S. and Africa! Global Health Corps is a one-year paid fellowship that pairs young professionals with organizations that require new thinking and innovative solutions. They believe that great ideas don’t change the world, great PEOPLE do! Global […]…Continue Reading Interested in creating a high impact in our global community? Apply now to over 150 fellowship opportunities with the Global Health Corps!
DEADLINE TODAY!! Davis Projects for Peace Applications are due!!
Projects for Peace is an initiative for all students at the Davis United World College Scholars Program partner schools to design grassroots projects for the summer of 2015 – anywhere in the world – which promote peace and address the root causes of conflict among parties. We encourage applicants to use their creativity to design […]…Continue Reading DEADLINE TODAY!! Davis Projects for Peace Applications are due!!
Learn how you can make a sustainable impact through a life-changing, three-week experience as a Saha Field Rep in Ghana. Young leaders who participate in Saha’s three-week Global Leadership Program (formerly the CWS Fellowship Program) are trained to become Saha Field Representatives in Northern Region Ghana. You’ll learn about development issues while make a significant, […]…Continue Reading HAPPENING TODAY! INFORMATION SESSION WITH SAHA GLOBAL!
FOR SENIORS!! Jumpstart Series: Careers in Environment & Energy
Are you exploring ways to think about working with the environment, whether from the policy angle at a think tank, an environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) or the technical consulting side? Have you thought about trying to launch your career in renewable energy or in sustainability for education? In this session we will explore the many […]…Continue Reading FOR SENIORS!! Jumpstart Series: Careers in Environment & Energy
Attention Graduating Seniors! Interested in working in Latin America? Apply to Manna Project International!
Looking for a unique opportunity to live and work in Latin America? Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Manna Project International! Manna Project International is a non-profit organization that specializes in holistic community development. They connect recent college graduates and young professionals with international service opportunities in Ecuador and Nicaragua. Apply to be a5, 7, […]…Continue Reading Attention Graduating Seniors! Interested in working in Latin America? Apply to Manna Project International!
Job Openings with J-PAL in Latin America, North America, and South Asia!
The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) is an organization of researchers world-wide who work to fight poverty with well thought-out research-based policy. J-PAL has many regional offices around the world, and some are hiring now! See below for job descriptions of some of the open positions, or visit J-PAL’s open job database to […]…Continue Reading Job Openings with J-PAL in Latin America, North America, and South Asia!