Seeking Fresh Voices, Ideas, and Task Masters

Hello, everyone. My guest bloggers this week are SGA President Rachel Liddell ’14, Assistant Director of Student Activities Jennifer Herrera, and Student Activities Programs and Events Manager Dave Kloepfer, writing about the social scene on campus. We look forward to hearing your comments and ideas! —Shirley M. Collado Welcome back! This last week, the new […]…Continue Reading Seeking Fresh Voices, Ideas, and Task Masters

Edge and Atwater

Yes, dear readers, I’m still cheating on you on another blog. The Atwater contest is nearing completion, though, and in one of the final posts for Turf Battle I’m again writing about a landscape concept you all might find interesting. I write about Edge, and how it effects the composition of masses and spaces within […]…Continue Reading Edge and Atwater

McCullough Plaza Rocks

A new category in the Middland blog, and a guest post to boot. I’m sure most of you have seen the new plaza at McCullough, but have you noticed the rocks out there?
I’ll confess the plant world almost lost me to geology in my UVM undergrad career. I’ve always loved it, and have the well […]…Continue Reading McCullough Plaza Rocks