“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Catherine Charnov ’13 interned with Universal Records in New York City. What did you do? This summer, I interned in the A&R department of Universal Records in New York City. I had previous experience in […]…Continue Reading In Their Own Words: Catherine Charnov ’13
Tag: management
DISC Workshop Follow-Up
As a follow-up to this week’s DISC workshop, here are some links that Sheila Andrus has collected from the Manager’s Tools website to help us delve further into how DISC can be useful in the workplace. DISC basics http://www.manager-tools.com/docs/DiSC_Basics.pdf How to … Continue reading →…Continue Reading DISC Workshop Follow-Up
Changes at the Helpdesk
There have been some changes in the Helpdesk structure that I would like to make you aware of. First, after managing the Helpdesk for over two years, Jim Beauchemin is taking a break from management and stepping into a Senior … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Changes at the Helpdesk