Summer Job:Outdoor Adventure, Service and Writing Trip Leaders Needed Across the US and International

Overland Travel — Summer Trip Leaders APPLICATION DEADLINE (1st of 3 deadlines: MONDAY, DECEMBER 12  Description: Overland hires exceptional college students and recent graduates to lead summer programs across the country and around the world. A……Continue Reading Summer Job:Outdoor Adventure, Service and Writing Trip Leaders Needed Across the US and International

Career Conversation: Environmental Advocacy with Amanda Maxwell ’02, NRDC

Join us for a Career Conversation with Amanda Maxwell ’02, Latin American Advocate, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) WHEN:  4:30 PM on Thursday, December 1, 2011 WHERE:  Adirondack House Library (EIA) (this talk will precede the screening &……Continue Reading Career Conversation: Environmental Advocacy with Amanda Maxwell ’02, NRDC

Workshop: Charting a Course for Meaningful Overseas Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships

Come join faculty, staff and students for a workshop on Charting a Course to Successfully Implement Out-of-Classroom Projects WHEN:  Monday, November 14 @ 7:00-8:00 p.m. WHERE: Axinn 103 Students: Are you considering, currently designing, or about to ……Continue Reading Workshop: Charting a Course for Meaningful Overseas Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships

Session 5–Thursday, October 13 for PWTs and FYSMs 4:30=6:30, Lib 225, CTLR


Problems Students Face
““Working with Multilingual (ESL) Students” ~ Dr. Shawna Shapiro

Who needs to come?

All new PWTs
All new FYSMs (not trained as PWTs_
Trained PWTs who did not come to Session 4
Trained FYSMs who did not come to Se……Continue Reading Session 5–Thursday, October 13 for PWTs and FYSMs 4:30=6:30, Lib 225, CTLR

WORKSHOP: Meaningful International Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships

Thinking about studying abroad or pursuing international service work, research, internship, or other form of international immersion experience? If yes, then broaden your thinking and enhance your preparation by attending the following workshop! Meani……Continue Reading WORKSHOP: Meaningful International Research, Civic Engagement, and Internships