Due to the holidays and shipping madness of late December, ILL limits shipping during this time. Interlibrary loan requests submitted to ILLiad after Dec. 16th will be ordered in early January. ILLiad article requests will continue to be filled by RapidILL* … Continue reading →…Continue Reading ILL Schedule for the Holiday Break
Tag: interlibrary loan
Research Libraries, Publishers Stake Out Positions on International ILL
A battle is brewing between research libraries and an association of academic publishers over the right to engage in international interlibrary loans and document delivery, both well-established library practices. Read the article. >>>…Continue Reading Research Libraries, Publishers Stake Out Positions on International ILL
Middlebury joins the Center for Research Libraries
The library is pleased to announce that Middlebury College has just become a member of the Center For Research Libraries (CRL) (http://www.crl.edu/). CRL is a partnership of over 240 university, college, and independent research libraries. The CRL collection includes: the … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Middlebury joins the Center for Research Libraries
Middlebury joins the Center for Research Libraries
The library is pleased to announce that Middlebury College has just become a member of the Center For Research Libraries (CRL) (http://www.crl.edu/). CRL is a partnership of over 240 university, college, and independent research libraries. The CRL collection includes: the … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Middlebury joins the Center for Research Libraries
Interlibrary Loan Requests for Articles
Requesting articles we don’t own has gotten even easier. Instead of searching NExpress first, you now can go straight to ILLiad. ILLiad will check the collections of all libraries, including NExpress, and it will send most requests directly to the owning library with no mediation from us. You should receive your article in […]…Continue Reading Interlibrary Loan Requests for Articles
NExpress ArticleReach Ending, NExpress loans to continue.
By consensus of the NExpress Consortium, NExpress ArticleReach has been retired. With all of the participating NExpress schools now using Rapid it was determined that we could provide the same service to our patrons while using one fewer system for processing requests. All articles currently delivered to a My Midcat account will remain for the […]…Continue Reading NExpress ArticleReach Ending, NExpress loans to continue.