Website Improvements #5: Search

When Middlebury first started using a Content Management System to organize its site in 2003 we added a local search engine for the site, operated by Atomz. This search engine wasn’t very popular, people weren’t finding the information they needed. At a meeting a couple years later, Barbara Merz remarked, “Why don’t we just get […]…Continue Reading Website Improvements #5: Search

MiddLab: Call for Projects

What are you doing this semester? If it includes working on a project or research covering topics that potentially span multiple disciplines, We’d love to hear about it. You can get in touch by emailing
What is MiddLab?
MiddLab will be a new section of our website that helps push information about scholarly and service work […]…Continue Reading MiddLab: Call for Projects

discussion of video and copyright

This is from one of the lists that I am on, and seemed worthy of broader distribution via the LIS Blog.

The Association for Information and Media Equipment has recently challenged one of our institution’s copyright compliance regarding the posting of video on university servers for instruction. As we understand it from the press, this […]…Continue Reading discussion of video and copyright