A Tale of Two Weekends

Two weekends ago, I had a great run in the mountains with the intention of writing it up for this blog.  While out on the run,  I discovered much to my dismay that the batteries in my camera were dead, negating the opportunity for including a few photos.  Adding further to my technological woes, my […]…Continue Reading A Tale of Two Weekends

Mud Season Traipsing

The snow has melted away at lower elevations (except for in my yard, but that is another story), the sun is shining, and the weather is warm.  Is Spring here?  No way – this is all Vermonters’ favorite time of the year, Mud Season, and chances are good that true “Spring” is a few weeks […]…Continue Reading Mud Season Traipsing

Brooks Road

The continued snow drought is keeping me in the higher elevations.  That said – the snow is still great up there!  This week’s ski is a winter variation on one of my running posts from last summer, the Sugar Hill Reservoir run.  Start this ski tour in the Brooks Road parking lot,which is found about […]…Continue Reading Brooks Road

Romance Mountain

As promised, I am posting occasional ski tours over the winter.  I have been an avid cross-country skier even longer than a runner – in fact I started running in the first place to stay in shape for skiing, feeding my delusions that I was a nordic racer.  Some of my ski tours are within […]…Continue Reading Romance Mountain

Abbey Pond

I haven’t made any new posts, and gone on very few runs in a while due to a combination  of mediocre weather (bring back September!) too many exams to administer and grade (although my students would prefer I went running, no doubt), and a nagging head cold which has slowed me even further.  Enough excuses.  […]…Continue Reading Abbey Pond