Wednesday, Nov 12 is a big deadline day!

Applications for Critical Language Scholarships (CLS)  are due by 8pm EST! Nomination applications are due by 5pm for the following: Beinecke  (juniors only, graduate school funding in arts, humanities and social sciences) go/beinecke Goldwater (sophomores and juniors; science and math, undergraduate award) go/goldwater St Andrews (seniors; graduate study in Scotland) go/standrews Truman (juniors, graduate school […]…Continue Reading Wednesday, Nov 12 is a big deadline day!

Interested in Foreign Service? Seniors and alumni–check these out!

There are some great programs that provide undergraduate and graduate funding for students interested in the foreign service. Check out the fellowships below. These programs are especially interested in supporting groups historically underrepresented in the foreign service and economic need. All have a service requirement, minimum GPA and require US citizenship. You apply directly for […]…Continue Reading Interested in Foreign Service? Seniors and alumni–check these out!