Stories from the Pedagogy and Technology Fair

Even if you weren’t able to make it to the 2nd annual Pedagogy and Technology Fair earlier this month, you still can see some of the presenters online.  We’re adding many of their stories to our Teaching with Technology blog.  Learn about clickers, Wikipedia, the campus tree map and more (to come!)….Continue Reading Stories from the Pedagogy and Technology Fair

WordPress Update

Earlier this week, we updated WordPress (the platform that powers  Along with updating the WordPress codebase, we also updated all the Midd blog themes and a number of plugins.  There were many changes made to the backend of Midd blog themes to make them more flexible and easier to use.
Options have been added for […]…Continue Reading WordPress Update

Website Performance: Pressflow, Varnish, Oh-My!

Executive summary:
We’ve migrated from core Drupal-6 to Pressflow, a back-port of Drupal-7 performance features. Using Pressflow allows us to cache anonymous web-requests (about 77% of our traffic) for 5-minutes and return them right from memory. While this vastly improves the amount of traffic we can handle as well as the speed of anonymous page-loads it […]…Continue Reading Website Performance: Pressflow, Varnish, Oh-My!

Sunday Downtime Notice for May 13, 2010

LIS will occasionally perform maintenance on systems during a scheduled window of Sunday 8AM-10AM EST. The following systems may not be available during that time this Sunday, May 13, 2010. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Helpdesk at or (802) 443-2200.

Museum of Art website
Undergraduate Research […]…Continue Reading Sunday Downtime Notice for May 13, 2010

MiddLab is a new section of Middlebury’s website with no precedent: an academic network, uniting all of the… blah, blah blah.
Truth is, MiddLab has been hard for us to explain ever since we heard the idea. A research network featuring discussions and blogs, and linking together disciplinary themes? How does that […]…Continue Reading MiddLab