Title: Program Assistant, Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Job Description: The Inter-American Dialogue—a leading center for policy analysis and exchange on Western Hemisphere affairs, based in Washington, D.C.—is recruiting a Program Assistant to work with the Dialogue’s Director of Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries program. S/he will have initiative, excellent problem-solving skills, and the […]…Continue Reading Job Opportunity in Washington, DC with Inter-American Dialogue
Tag: energy
Mass Green Careers Conference
Massachusetts Green Careers Conference: Clean Energy & Environmental Sustainability Careers. Clean Energy. Sustainability. Delve into clean energy, sustainability, and career development for a day. Enjoy cross-sector dialogues with stakeholders from government, business, education, and nonprofits, and career-ready candidates. REGISTER EARLY to reserve a place! Mass Wildlife will provide conference space in their new, nature-friendly, LEED […]…Continue Reading Mass Green Careers Conference
Spotlight on Careers: CCI Resource with NEW CAREERS TOPICS!
Check out the NEW Careers Topics within Spotlight on Careers. Spotlight on Careers provides a great series of guides about career fields popular with liberal arts students. This resource is free via a CCI login below and is an easy way to gain valuable information as your explore career fields. Each guide is organized with an […]…Continue Reading Spotlight on Careers: CCI Resource with NEW CAREERS TOPICS!